I told you all that I had big news and here it is. My cousins wife Bobbi wrote an article for the website she works for. One of my images from their wedding was used. So here’s a link. Go check it out! https://www.herecomestheguide.com/wedding-party-ideas/detail/should-we-have-a-small-wedding

Big news coming!

I feel like it’s been way too long since I’ve last posted. Things have been going well and a little crazy at times. I just finished up a few senior photoshoots and will have photos posted by the end of the week. I have some super exciting news to announce soon. So keep following me for more updates! 🙂

Good morning Northwest!

Things have been super crazy for the past six months and I’ve been very out of touch with this page. But I’m still around and always looking for clients. I’ve had the opportunity lately to bring my cameras or into the wilderness and any some sun while it’s around. Hopefully soon I can post some fun photographs! As for now everyone please enjoy the little bursts of sun today, I myself will be at work.

Summer Fun

This summer has started out pretty great, I have been working a lot at my everyday job and finally got a chance to really work on my site. Now that it is all up and running properly feel free to share with everyone and let me know what you think. Thanks for all the support from my friends and family. Can’t wait to start booking appointments.


Starting Out

Well, I just graduated college Friday, with that said I am beginning to really focus on my photography and getting this site up and running. With the help of my clients I would love to get some sessions scheduled for over the Summer. If anyone is interested contact me.